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Technologie se nedá zastavit. Za to můžeme děkovat bohu. Milovníci pokeru proto nyní mohou hrát odkudkoliv na světě. Mobilní aplikace heren jak pro systém Android, tak iOS(iPhone a iPad) podporují poker všude kde máte připojení k internetu.
Check raise ALL IN with these top 5 Poker games on Android, Shuffle up and deal! ★Help Android Gamespot Reach 50,000 Subscribers http://bit.ly/AndroidGamespo. 9NAGAPOKER - Adalah sebuah situs Nagapoker yang terlahir di Indonesia yang sudah sejak lama berkembang di dunia internet, yang semakin lama semakin di kenal oleh masyarakat indonesia khususnya pecinta poker online, kenapa tidak seperti yang diketahui kalau situs poker satu ini memiliki banyak kelebihan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan agen poker lainnya nanti akan kita bahas satu persatu. Appeak Poker (Android only) Appeak Poker is one of the best-reviewed and most popular poker playing apps with a simple, user-friendly interface. With this app, you have the option to play immediately, join sit & go's, and explore other features such as Bingo Bango, Double Ups, and MTTs; however, the Play Now option is, by far, the most. Get 100% up to £100 plus £88 Texas Holdem Poker Na Androida no deposit bonus at 888 Casino. Only 30x wagering. Enjoy one of world's most trusted and secure casino!
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Bohužel, díky nové české legislativě je od 1.1.2017 možnost hrát z mobilu pouze na herně PokerStars!
(Pro hráče ze Slovenska platí i ostatní nabídky, přečtěte si kde hrát poker z ČR)
PokerStars do mobilu - verze jak pro Android, tak iPhone / iPad
Party Poker mobile - aplikace pro Android, iPhone i iPad
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Nový rozměr hraní pokeru v mobilu
Poker se tak stává opět více vyhledávaným a je pro všechny mnohem lépe dostupný. Poker na mobilu nenabízí pouze nějaký odvar své existence, ale plnohodnotný software, respektive aplikace, které uživatelům nabídnou široké možnosti.
Poker na mobilu je v dnešní době již téměř standardem a většina pokerových hráčů si již software do mobilu své oblíbené herny minimálně vyzkoušela. Žijeme v době spěchu, kdy nikdo nemá na nic pořádně čas a využívá každou volnou chvíli k tomu, aby se mohl věnovat svým oblíbeným koníčkům, či v případě pokeru velmi oblíbenému přivýdělku.
Poker na mobilu přinesl revoluci v online hraní, kdy se pokerový zážitek, který je spojen s vítězstvím nejen velkých turnajů a množstvím vyhraných peněz, rozšířil přes hranice dřívějších možností.
Největší nabídku poker her na mobil zdarma nabízí PokerStars
Můžete si stáhnout i variantu poker aplikace od PokerStars, kde se hraje poker na mobilu zdarma. Zde můžete trénovat své pokerové dovednosti v nejoblíbenější variantě pokeru, kterou je Texas Holdem. Pokud nebudete chtít mít poker na mobilu ve stylu nějaké obyčejné poker hry kde hrajete proti umělé inteligenci, ale chcete si zahrát proti opravodvým lidem poker na mobilu zdarma. stačí vám tato aplikace od PokerStars.
Možnost využít mobilní aplikaci ne pro poker, ale pro sázkové hry poskytuje například i společnost Fortuna.
Výhody hraní pokeru na vašem mobilu
Nemusíte tak hrát pouze doma v pohodlí svého počítačového křesla, nebo na gauči, ale i např. ve škole. V případě, že patříte mezi ty úspěšnější hráče, kteří si každý den pokerem vydělávají, pak pomocí pokeru na mobilu získáte možnost strávení více času u pokeru, kde budete vydělávat další peníze.
Využijete tak svůj čas efektivněji a nebudete například nuceni sedět doma v neděli večer, když již vám bude stačít odehrát poslední z registrovaných turnajů. Jednoduše si turnaj otevřete na mobilu a můžete ho dohrát někde u piva s kamarády.
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Nejlepsi Poker Na Android Download
tématických článků, návodů a recenzí
jsme rozdali našim čtenářům v turnajích
Související články:
4 kroky k online pokeru
- návod pro začátečníky, jak a kde začít hrát online poker ve 4řech krocích.Nejlepší poker herny
- přehledy nejlepších online heren, včetně recenzí, bonusů a důležitých informací.Zahrajte si poker zdarma
- podrobné návody na to, jak sehnat peníze na poker online zdarma.Zkuste poker v mobilu
- poker se dá dnes hrát i z vašeho chytrého telefonu - podívejte se jak na to!Výhodné poker bonusy
- rozmnožte efektivně své poker peníze za pomocí výhodných pokerových bonusů.Pomocný poker software
- kvalitní poker software vám pomůže při rozhodování při poker hře..Poker na živo
- přehled největších pokerových turnajů a profesionálních hráčů pokeru jak online, tak naživo.Základy pokeru
- základní pravidla Texas Holdem pokeru, výherní kombinace a další základní informace.Herna PokerStars
- odkazy, recenze, informace - prostě vše o největší poker herně světa.
Diskuze k tématu
S.loco1991 | 4. ledna 2019, 14:04Zdravím,mám menší problém.. nejde mi nainstalovat aplikace pokerstars.net.. potřeboval bych poraditMatěj, JakHrátPoker
Ahoj Loco .. povedlo se to vyřešit? Jaký máš operační systém a odkud PS stahuješ?
Myslel sem si, že budu muset dostat real money aplikaci do svýho androidu nějak růčo, ale funguje i download přímo z mobilu. Pozitivní překvápko :)
díky za návody .. pokr na android a sem hledal dlouho a konečně něco použitelnýho a můžu to hrát i v práci.
Super článek! Já sice zatím hraju jen tak, ale určitě lepší tydle herny nez nějakej facebook zynga poker ! :-D
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Varování Ministerstva financí: Hraní hazardních her může způsobit závislost!
Získejte poker strategii ZDARMA
- jak hrát cash game
- pozice u poker stolu
- jaké hrát kombinace
Nejlepší články:
$40 zdarma na PokerStars
Největší, nejlepší a hlavně v ČR i první herna co získala licenci pro provoz poker her pro hráče v ČR. Získejte hned k registraci $40 zdarma ...
2017 a nová česká legislativa
S rokem 2017 vešla v platnost nová legislativa regulující online poker na území ČR. Podívejte se co to pro hráče v ČR znamená ...
Naučte se pořádně poker pravidla
Bez základů to nejde! Procvičtě si řádně poker pravidla, aby jste při poker hře neváhali co v dané situaci můžete s Vaší handou dělat ...
Jak si ověřit účet na PokerStars?
Novela zákona nově ukládá povinnost hráčům se fyzicky ověřit na úřadech, aby mohli na licencovaných hernách hrát. Podívejte se jak touto verifikací projít ...
Poker strategie pro začátečníky
Přečtěte si naše návody pro začínající hráče pokeru a vyhrávejte již od první minuty! Strategie jak pro cash game, tak pro MTT turnaje ...
Poker is one of the most popular card games in the world. There are tons of variants and it's easy to play. You can even toss a few bucks into the pot and bet on it. As you can probably imagine, there are tons of poker apps and games on Android. Surprisingly, there aren't a ton of good ones. They are almost all predominately free to play and tune the game for that kind of stuff. Still, there are some decent ones to play. Here are the best poker apps and games you can find on Android!
Please note, the apps are in alphabetical order.
10 best gambling games and gambling apps for Android!
10 best slots games for Android!
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Appeak is one of the up and coming poker apps. It boasts over 100,000 active players, in-game challenges to keep things fun, and a simple UI that puts the game first. The game gives you 7000 free coins per day just in case you happen to run out. You'll be able to engage in sit-and-go tournaments and regular poker games if you want to. It's fairly simple overall. Additionally, it doesn't hit the pay-to-win nerve as hard as many others. It's great, especially if you enjoy playing against real people.
Governor of Poker 3
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Governor of Poker 3 is one of the more run-of-the-mill poker apps on Android. It has a ton of features and play types. There are six different poker types to play (including Texas Hold'em), online games, and there's even a blackjack game. It gives you chips every four hours along with a spinner that can give you more. It also comes with cross-platform support. You can play on the web via Facebook, Steam, iOS, and Android. Some reviewers have complained about the poor odds of winning. However, that's how gambling kind of works. It's fun as long as you don't take it too seriously.
Mega Hit Poker
Price: Free to play
Mega Hit Poker is an above average freemium poker game. The game boasts a decent number of free chips, tournaments, various game modes, a slots mini-game, and some social elements. You can even record your games to see how you did. The developers also boast an RNG certification from iTech Labs. The certification is accessible in the game's menu. We're not sure if that makes it any better, but we liked this one and so do most of the other Google Play reviewers.
Offline Poker
Price: Free to play
Offline Poker is one of the newer poker games on the list. Its biggest draw is the offline play. You can play it anywhere, anytime, and you don't need an Internet connection to do so. Some of the other game features include up to six player multiplayer, fast folding, online player versus player, and a simple UI. The AI was a little difficult, but definitely beatable while the online community is fun to play against.
Poker 5 Card Draw
Price: Free to play
Poker 5 Card Draw is another newer poker game on the list. This one is decent, but not amazing. It features four game play modes with both real people and AI bots. The multiplayer extends up to eight players and the online play has a lot of options for players of various skill levels. The training mode with bots works fine. As usual, cards don't act like real life and you'll see some huge hands on the same round you have yours. Thus, we think the RNG is tweaked a little bit. Otherwise, it's a good little poker game.
Nejlepsi Poker Na Android Emulator
15 best card games for Android
10 best Google Cardboard games!
Poker Heat
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Poker Heat is fun freemium option. Its claim to fame is its league-based competition. You'll join one of seven leagues and then compete to see who can reach the top. It also features online play with friends or strangers if you want to. There are some other small things that make the game fun, but the big thing are those leagues. It's a freemium game and that means you'll have to wait for some free coins if you happened to run out. Otherwise, it's a fun little game.
Video Poker Classic
Price: Free to play
Video Poker Classic is a fairly simple video poker app. The developers boast almost 40 game types along with realistic Vegas shuffling. It was okay in our testing, but nothing mind blowing. You also get free coins every four hours, offline support, and more. It doesn't have the best looking UI, but the mechanics are fairly solid. The big story is the almost 40 game types, though. That should keep the game interesting for a long time. It is a freemium game. However, this one isn't as bad as many others in terms of its freemium elements.
Video Poker Offline
Price: Free to play
Video Poker Offline is another simple video poker app. This one is a freemium app like most of its competitors. However, this one seems to do it better than most. The game features both online and offline support as well as several game modes and support for English, Spanish, and Chinese. The UI isn't great, but the mechanics are simple enough. It's one of the few freemium poker games that Google Play reviewers seem to actually like. It's didn't do half bad during our testing.
Jak si ověřit účet na PokerStars?
Novela zákona nově ukládá povinnost hráčům se fyzicky ověřit na úřadech, aby mohli na licencovaných hernách hrát. Podívejte se jak touto verifikací projít ...
Poker strategie pro začátečníky
Přečtěte si naše návody pro začínající hráče pokeru a vyhrávejte již od první minuty! Strategie jak pro cash game, tak pro MTT turnaje ...
Poker is one of the most popular card games in the world. There are tons of variants and it's easy to play. You can even toss a few bucks into the pot and bet on it. As you can probably imagine, there are tons of poker apps and games on Android. Surprisingly, there aren't a ton of good ones. They are almost all predominately free to play and tune the game for that kind of stuff. Still, there are some decent ones to play. Here are the best poker apps and games you can find on Android!
Please note, the apps are in alphabetical order.
10 best gambling games and gambling apps for Android!
10 best slots games for Android!
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Appeak is one of the up and coming poker apps. It boasts over 100,000 active players, in-game challenges to keep things fun, and a simple UI that puts the game first. The game gives you 7000 free coins per day just in case you happen to run out. You'll be able to engage in sit-and-go tournaments and regular poker games if you want to. It's fairly simple overall. Additionally, it doesn't hit the pay-to-win nerve as hard as many others. It's great, especially if you enjoy playing against real people.
Governor of Poker 3
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Governor of Poker 3 is one of the more run-of-the-mill poker apps on Android. It has a ton of features and play types. There are six different poker types to play (including Texas Hold'em), online games, and there's even a blackjack game. It gives you chips every four hours along with a spinner that can give you more. It also comes with cross-platform support. You can play on the web via Facebook, Steam, iOS, and Android. Some reviewers have complained about the poor odds of winning. However, that's how gambling kind of works. It's fun as long as you don't take it too seriously.
Mega Hit Poker
Price: Free to play
Mega Hit Poker is an above average freemium poker game. The game boasts a decent number of free chips, tournaments, various game modes, a slots mini-game, and some social elements. You can even record your games to see how you did. The developers also boast an RNG certification from iTech Labs. The certification is accessible in the game's menu. We're not sure if that makes it any better, but we liked this one and so do most of the other Google Play reviewers.
Offline Poker
Price: Free to play
Offline Poker is one of the newer poker games on the list. Its biggest draw is the offline play. You can play it anywhere, anytime, and you don't need an Internet connection to do so. Some of the other game features include up to six player multiplayer, fast folding, online player versus player, and a simple UI. The AI was a little difficult, but definitely beatable while the online community is fun to play against.
Poker 5 Card Draw
Price: Free to play
Poker 5 Card Draw is another newer poker game on the list. This one is decent, but not amazing. It features four game play modes with both real people and AI bots. The multiplayer extends up to eight players and the online play has a lot of options for players of various skill levels. The training mode with bots works fine. As usual, cards don't act like real life and you'll see some huge hands on the same round you have yours. Thus, we think the RNG is tweaked a little bit. Otherwise, it's a good little poker game.
Nejlepsi Poker Na Android Emulator
15 best card games for Android
10 best Google Cardboard games!
Poker Heat
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Poker Heat is fun freemium option. Its claim to fame is its league-based competition. You'll join one of seven leagues and then compete to see who can reach the top. It also features online play with friends or strangers if you want to. There are some other small things that make the game fun, but the big thing are those leagues. It's a freemium game and that means you'll have to wait for some free coins if you happened to run out. Otherwise, it's a fun little game.
Video Poker Classic
Price: Free to play
Video Poker Classic is a fairly simple video poker app. The developers boast almost 40 game types along with realistic Vegas shuffling. It was okay in our testing, but nothing mind blowing. You also get free coins every four hours, offline support, and more. It doesn't have the best looking UI, but the mechanics are fairly solid. The big story is the almost 40 game types, though. That should keep the game interesting for a long time. It is a freemium game. However, this one isn't as bad as many others in terms of its freemium elements.
Video Poker Offline
Price: Free to play
Video Poker Offline is another simple video poker app. This one is a freemium app like most of its competitors. However, this one seems to do it better than most. The game features both online and offline support as well as several game modes and support for English, Spanish, and Chinese. The UI isn't great, but the mechanics are simple enough. It's one of the few freemium poker games that Google Play reviewers seem to actually like. It's didn't do half bad during our testing.
World Series of Poker
Price: Free to play
World Series of Poker is probably the best of the freemium poker apps and games out there. It supports Texas Hold'em and Omaha styles of poker. Additionally, you can play online with tons of people in a variety of scenarios and events. You can also play on the web via Facebook or the official site using your same account, It'll deliver you free chips every four hours and there are even some slots if you want to play those. It's the most typical of the freemium poker games, but it does what it does better than most.
Zynga Poker
Price: Free to play
Zynga Poker is one of the more polarizing poker apps on the list. People either really like or they really hate it. On the face of it, it does all the right things. You have live online games against real people. There are a variety of game types and events that you can play. However, there are tons of people who swear that this game doesn't use a true RNG method. Whether or not they're right is up to you. It's a solid, fun game to play, although if winning all the time is what you enjoy, you might want to steer clear of this one. Give it a shot at least.
Thanks for reading! Here are a few final game lists to check out!15 best free Android games available right now
15 best card games for Android
15 best free Android games available right now
15 best card games for Android
If we missed any great poker apps or games, tell us about them in the comment section below! Thank you for reading!